English in Action

English in Action 2023 (Monday 13th – Friday 17th 2023)

English in Action is back at MS Peilstein after a three-year break! This year, 123 out of 135 pupils participated in this special programme.

The following nine English teachers from Great Britain worked with the pupils in nine different groups: Teresa Scott, Richard Signey, Michael Booth, Mandy Cox, Jenny Laaraibi, Cassandra Clamp, Julia Godfrey, Ricky Bland and Douglas Wilson.

The groups worked on different topics and activities, such as games and working out projects. At the end of the week all groups did a stage performance of their projects for parents, teachers and fellow pupils. Each student also received a special certificate.

Special thanks to the parents who made it possible for their kids to join the course. And of course, thanks to the fantastic English in Action teachers who motivated the pupils and encouraged them to get into the flow of English. Last but not least, lots of thanks to the English teachers who organised this week.


Barbara Stallberger (Head of the project)

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